I have made a concept for a menu in a Sci-Fi game, inspired by sci-fi games such as Among Us and Halo.
I used most of the features in Powerpoint to make this menu possible.

The next one was the Shield Boomerang, A ranged weapon that also doubles as a protective shield that reflects projectiles. It was another simple model to make... or so I thought. I didn't initially check the official concept art when designing the model so I didn't know the weapon itself was different. I mainly used official promotional artwork for the various games in the series (Shield Boomerang appears in all of the games except for 4)
The model was made out of a sphere that was flattened and every other vertice rotated to give it a jagged look. The centerpiece was a simple cylinder scaled down.
For the inactive Shield Boomerang model, I started with a cylinder and made another smaller one that I duplicated and moved to both ends of the big one. To make the blades at the top I created a prism and scaled the model to make them look like blades.
After some small touch ups. here are the final models.