The next one was the Shield Boomerang, A ranged weapon that also doubles as a protective shield that reflects projectiles. It was another simple model to make... or so I thought. I didn't initially check the official concept art when designing the model so I didn't know the weapon itself was different. I mainly used official promotional artwork for the various games in the series (Shield Boomerang appears in all of the games except for 4)
The model was made out of a sphere that was flattened and every other vertice rotated to give it a jagged look. The centerpiece was a simple cylinder scaled down.
For the inactive Shield Boomerang model, I started with a cylinder and made another smaller one that I duplicated and moved to both ends of the big one. To make the blades at the top I created a prism and scaled the model to make them look like blades.
After some small touch ups. here are the final models.
Miscellaneous Assets (Year 2)
Of course, I haven't exclusively made assets for my projects. I have done some independent modelling of my own. Here are a few of them.
Project Z-Weapon
I started doing renders as of late, using existing models from other games, namely from the Mega Man series (property of Capcom).
The version of the character Zero seen in the Mega Man Zero series on the GBA (property of Capcom) has a multitude of weapons in his series.
Unfortunately, There were only 2 of his 7 weapons that were modelled (those being the Z Saber and Buster Shot), so I decided to take it upon myself to make textured models of the remaining weapons using Maya and Paint.NET.
All Artwork featured in this page are property of Capcom.
Triple Rod
Official Artwork
First one I modelled was the Triple Rod from the first game, a weapon which gives Zero extra reach compared to his Z-Saber, and allows him to bounce off of enemies. The The design was quite simple to make, as I used this piece of promo art from Zero 1 as reference. The main pole was made out of 3 separate cylinders, while the spike at the top was made out of a cone that I moved the vertices into the right place and used scale tool to flatten the model a bit.

Final Model
Shield Boomerang
The next one was the Shield Boomerang, A ranged weapon that also doubles as a protective shield that reflects projectiles. It was another simple model to make... or so I thought. I didn't initially check the official concept art when designing the model so I didn't know the weapon itself was different. I mainly used official promotional artwork for the various games in the series (Shield Boomerang appears in all of the games except for 4)
The model was made out of a sphere that was flattened and every other vertice rotated to give it a jagged look. The centerpiece was a simple cylinder scaled down.
For the inactive Shield Boomerang model, I started with a cylinder and made another smaller one that I duplicated and moved to both ends of the big one. To make the blades at the top I created a prism and scaled the model to make them look like blades.
After some small touch ups. here are the final models.
Official Artwork
Concept Art

Notice the handle-like design.
Final Model

Chain Rod
The model for the Chain Rod was probably the most complex one I made, as it was made out of 3 different models, being the handle, the joints and the tip. Each bit was referenced from the promotional artwork for Zero 2.
The handle was simple made out of a couple of cubes and cuboids with bevelled edges.
The tip was made out of 2 cubes and a cylinder that I transformed into a pyaramid that I scaled down and duplicated to make the connector.
Finally, the joints were the hardest part of the model. The bladed parts were made out of a complex shape using a cube as a base, using multiple scale tools and mirroring so that the shape looks symmetrical (I literally modelled 1/4 of the model and mirrored the rest) The non bladed parts were made out of a cylinder. All of this was one model that I used the Duplicate Special tool to make into multiple copies of itself, whilst still being able to tweak the model and have its changes apply to the clones.
Official Artwork
Final Model

Recoil Rod
Before I made the Chain Rod, I made the Recoil Rod from the third game. This tool was modelled after a pair of Tonfa (melee weapon known for its role in the armed component of Okinawan Martial Arts), and allowed Zero to push blocks and enemies around, as well as bounce himself into the air, either from the ground or above an enemy, higher than a simple jump.
For the model itself, I based it off of the promotional artwork for the Recoil Rod used in Zero 3. the handle was made out of bevelled cubes, whereas the blade itself was made out of 3 cubes turned into pyramids, which were then combined into one singular model.

A pair of Tonfas, courtesy of Wikipedia.


Official Artwork
Final Model
Zero Knuckle
The last one I made was the Zero Knuckle. This tool allowed Zero to grab enemies' weapons and use them himself (Whether it be a gun, a shield, or even a grabber claw.) As the weapon is merely an augmentation to Zero's hand, I decided to only make the Z symbol on his hand and some extra effects, alongside a base for it. I used this bit of promo art for the model.
The Z symbol was made out of a flat plane. I tweaked the model to give it the Z Shape and scaled it down to flatten it.
The rings on the edge are pipes with small radii.
The base is just a cylinder.
Official Artwork
Final Model